Thursday, December 10, 2015

Finished: Chapter 1


Let's say you are wanted, what would you do?
Now let's assume I am wanted.
Here's what I would do...

Chapter 1:

Cleveland, Ohio: July 27th, 4047

The bright sun, or the artificial sun I should say, burst through my windows. Its cheerful face and ugly smile screeched.
"Wake up! It's time for school!" The sun shouted.
After the sun exploded in a fiery burst of color in 2056, the government was like: OMG what do we do? Then a genius scientist decided that he was going to build an artificial sun, place it in the sky, and give everyone one, since a fake sun wasn't as bright as a real sun. Now in the year 4047, it's the only thing sustaining our well being. Our lives literally depend on a fake star, and talking ones too. My alarm blared to wake me up as well, because yeah, a talking freaky sun couldn't do the job. The creepy sun appeared only in a house. The windows were built in with one. You could buy one to walk around with, but they're just too creepy.
I groaned and got out of bed with an angry 'I just woke up from the worst night of sleep ever' face. Then my robot assistant burst through the room. My father bought it for me before he disappeared for good. The assistant was called D-67. It was supposed to pack my bags, clean my room, and wake me up. Breakfast was up to my mom to do. Robots don't make good food if you ask me.
"I'm awake you stupid machine," I spat.
I slapped it down.
"Good morning Joel, today is the twenty seventh of July. You have extra curriculum school today, then your break begins tomorrow!"
"Thank you, you piece of trash," I said.
I slipped on my uniform and bolted out of my room. Of course hall monitor (my sister) decided to stop me in my tracks. She was obsessed with making everyone walk and obey her laws.
"Joel! No running!" She warned.
"I have no time for this!" I groaned.
"Please step aside for a security check," she said.
"No thanks!" I bust through her wall of herself, ran downstairs, grabbed an old fashion granola bar, and dashed out the door to get to the subway.
To get to school, we have a subway system. The subway is suspended in air. No tracks, no nothing. The sun genius strikes again. No actually, Professor Gems created air suspended trains. It's not even a subway that I read about in my history app for school. Apparently, subways were underground. They were built for public transportation only. It's weird. I always feel glad that I wasn't alive for that kind of technology.
I sat next to a few students from my school. My school that I attended began in December and ended in July. Great vacation time. The government decided that since we were the kids who scored in the top percentile, we have more work, so we need more time off. It's actually really fun to do that, then you get some of Winter, Spring, and Summer outside of school. I loved it.
I walked up to the station. The security guard was a robot- as usual. He was scanning our IDs. Our IDs are surgically placed into us at birth. They haven't made a chip for it because each ID is special. The guard took my wrist and scanned it with his eyes.
"Joel Green, you may enter the subway now,"
To go anywhere they scanned you. Since the war of 3045-3050, America has been more secure than ever. Every store, building, school, and everything in general had security checks. No one enters until checked. Scary sometimes, but that's how it goes.
I looked out the window of my seat. I noticed large skyscrapers shooting into the sky. There were lots of hover cars zooming past the subway. The fake sun gleamed down on the Earth. The main building for the government had a large hologram on all sides, and on the top of it.
"Good afternoon citizens of Cleveland! Today the weather is sunny, highs of ninety four degrees, lows of sixty five!" The weather man on the hologram said.
It never snowed, it never rained, it just never did anything but shine a stupid sun on us. Kids on the subway were reading the news. We didn't have iPhones, or whatever the old days used to have. Our phones were built into us. We had to buy a gummy. Yes one gummy. This gummy had a chip inserted into it. This chip then went down to the veins in the arm, and sat in the wrist. This way, a password is said, and the phone screen appears like a hologram in front of us. We also had something else, if we weren't into the whole chip thing. It was a necklace. The necklace, once squeezed, projects the phone screen as well.
Those things weren't cheap. Nothing really was anymore.
I looked around at the kids. Some were reading on their phones, others were listening to music. Headphones became ear cuffs that wirelessly connected to the phone chip. The kids weren't very nice on my subway. Each neighborhood had a specific subway that they take to school. School subways were colored electric yellow, normal ones were white and electric blue. Apparently, school transportation was a yellow bus. Ha, yellow subways. My friends all lived somewhere else, so I'm either reading, listening to music, or just admiring Cleveland.
When we arrived at school, our robot principal greeted us. He stood on the marble steps that lead to the school entrance. I never liked my principal. He was weird.
"Welcome students. It is your final day of school. Make the most of it!" He, it, I don't know, smiled.
Robots were literally like humans. They replaced the work humans don't want to do. Teachers, laborers, factory workers, sewer, things like that. Humans did some of those jobs, but robots were in all fields of work. I can't imagine working in a sewer. Robots were not created too many years ago. But they were great help.
We were checked by the guard, and entered the school.
In class, we didn't do much. All we did was watch movies, and fatten up on pizza and lots of junk food. We played games, then went to lunch. I surprisingly ate lots of lunch. The lunch today was extra special.
But enough about my school, let's get to the interesting part.
I was walking to the subway, when my best friend, Mikey, walked up to me.
"Hey Joey!" He shouted.
"Mikey, it's Joel," I laughed.
"Oh yeah!" Mikey grinned.
I can't lie, his memory is like a dog. Dogs are illegal in our society, but in our history apps, dogs have bad memory (I have no idea if half the stuff I read is true honestly). The reason dogs were banned was because of a bio engineered virus that infected dogs. The dogs spread this to humans, and most of the population began to die. This was one of the battles of the war of 3045. Bio engineering of viruses was very popular during that time.
As we made our way to the station, two men began to walk behind us. At first, I didn't mind, many people went to the subway station. Then it began to get annoying. We stopped for ice cream, and the men did too.
"Mike..." I tapped his shoulder.
"You noticed too?" He asked.
"Not just noticed, I think they're stalking us!" I hissed.
"Let's keep testing them," Mikey said.
"I'm not sure..." I bit my lip.
"What harm can it do?" He shrugged.
We kept trying to see how long they would follow us, and sure enough, everywhere we went, they went. IT was almost like they were assessing our every move. Their strides were evenly matched. Their height, slightly different. One of them was shorter by only an inch or two. Their shoes clicked against the pavement. I wanted to tell myself that it was a coincidence. That they were only interested in every place we went, but we had gone into a children's clothing store, and why the hell would they want that? Eventually I turned into an alley, and we waited. The men stood at the entrance to the alley.
"You really should stop doing that!" I shouted.
They didn't speak, but they began to move forward.
I noticed their features. Dark masks, black tuxedos, and black shoes. I could see through one of the masks, only a little. The eyes that shone had a red tint to them. Creepy.
"Mikey, we need to run," I whispered.
"Don't move," one man said.
"Like you're giving us a choice!" Mikey shakily shouted. He was trembling.
We held our hands up. I suddenly felt my heart beat speed up. My hands became sweaty, and I almost felt my blood pressure get higher and higher.
"One step, and you'll get it," the man who warned us said.
I gulped. They walked towards Mikey. After some inspecting, one man grabbed him, he placed something on Mikey. It was red, and shaped like a heart. Then the man pulled out a small button from his pocket. He pushed it, and Mikey collapsed instantly.
"One word about this, and you're next," the man put the button, and the heart shaped item back in his pocket.
I stood there, a look of pure shock on my face.

I had just seen my best friend murdered before my very eyes.

Monday, November 30, 2015

What is Story Village?

Hi everyone!

I am the "Mayor" of Story Village. In this blog you will find short stories, long stories, if it's a story it's here! I enjoy writing, and it's one of my passions. I hope you embrace all of what Story Village has to offer. I will also take story suggestions if there are any. New ideas are always welcome!  Welcome to Story Village, and enjoy your time here!