Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Finished: Chapter 13

The woods were cold. At least at night they were. I snuck out in the middle of the night when no one was looking. I hoped that this Gizmo guy was asleep and not waiting for me again. I remembered all the things I decided about him. I slowly crept through the dark, and only the moon was my guide to light. Gizmo seemed to be nowhere, and that gave me hope that I could escape. I had to return to Cleveland. As crazy as it seemed, I had to prove my innocence, give my mother the idea I was still alive. I could imagine her right now. She was so bony when my father disappeared. She lost weight, never ate, never slept, nothing. It was like she was a walking soul less body.
My sister and I weren't sure what to make of it. We thought she was being selfish and not caring to us. When I grew up and first entered the Advanced School, I had a realization that she was just mourning. Eventually she stopped mourning and became her old self. But at her age, which was about thirty at the time, it seemed weird for her to have gray hair. She dyed it eventually to match her old hair color, but she was never the same.
I leaned against a tree to rest after the long walk. I couldn't sweat, not in the cold at least. I was never vaccinated for hypothermia. That vaccine was for people above the age of twenty because of how strong the drug was. I was turning eighteen soon, but it would be another three or four years until I could get the vaccine. If I sweated a lot while I was cold, I could get hypothermia, but maybe the metal parts of my body could help prevent that. I heard a rustle in the leaves, and confirmed it was just wind.
"Going somewhere?" A voice called out.
"Yeah, and you?" I asked, jokingly.
"Coming to stop you," he hissed.
"Look Gizmo, you don't get it. I can't go back," I said.
"Not for that, coming to stop you to give you advice," he rolled his eyes.
"Why?" I asked.
"I'm getting a bit old to be fighting someone who killed two men," Gizmo threw his gun to the side.
"I don't think I could kill you, just injure you," I said.
"No I think you would do a good job taking me down," Gizmo laughed.
I found it sad that we were having a good time talking about me killing Gizmo, but it was his jokes.
"You should keep going, keep yourself warm. Hypothermia can happen if you work too hard as well Joel," Gizmo explained.
"Look, don't tell Markus I escaped, I need to get out of here," I said.
"What will you do when you're out?" Gizmo asked.
"Go back home and prove my innocence, Mikey is still alive," I said.
"Well, I have a tip for you. Map out the place, grab Mikey. They won't believe you if he's not there," Gizmo said.
"I can't map anything out," I said.
"Here," Gizmo handed me something.
"What is this?" I asked looking up at him.
"Paper," he said, "You map things out on this."
"Oh," I replied.
"And use this pen, you write with it," he added.
"Thanks," I said.
"No problem, also, try to wear less flashy clothes," he laughed.
"Oh," I said looking down at my neon shirt.
"Black is good," he replied.
"What about camouflage?" I asked.
"You see that house, well when you're ready, knock on it. I live there. I'll lend you some camo clothes," Gizmo said.
"Why do you live there?" I asked.
"Looks can be deceiving," he said.
"So that town is not real?" I asked.
"No, Markus planted it there to distract people from the real attraction," Gizmo said.
"Thank you Gizmo, I really appreciate it," I nodded and started back for the building.
"Just remember, the house with the brick chimney," Gizmo called out.
"I will!" I shouted in response.

The next morning, Mikey and I were sitting at a lunch table in the mess hall.
"I was wondering what happened to you," Mikey said.
"Oh well, while you were dead, I became a wanted fugitive, cyborg, killer, anything else?" I asked.
"Yikes, you've really changed," Mikey said.
"Look, it's been a rough time," I said.
"I can see that, but how did you become a fugitive?" Mikey asked.
"The police thought I killed you," I replied.
"Seriously? I was never dead!" Mikey replied.
"That's why I have a plan," I lowered my voice to below a whisper.
"For what?" Mikey lowered his voice as well.
"To escape," I replied.
"You're crazy!" He said.
"No, I'm sneaking out every night. I'm mapping out the entire area. We're in Minnesota. Once I've mapped the area, I'm taking you and getting out. Back in Cleveland, I'll use you to prove my innocence, and then life resumes back to the way it was. You and me in school being the best of friends," I said.
"That seems so simple. Markus has eyes everywhere," Mikey said.
"He will not get in my way," I answered.
"It also sounds like I'm a tool in your plan," Mikey said disappointment in his voice.
"What?! Who gave you that idea?! Don't you want to help me prove my innocence? The only way to do that is to bring you and show that cop that I never killed you!" I said.
"Then get rid of the heart preserver. That's what they used to try to kill me Joel. You can't have it," Mikey stated.
"I know, I'm getting rid of it soon. I just need it for a few more weeks tops. At least until I can map the place out," I said.
"I just think it's a really far-fetched plan," Mikey said.
"Mikey, it's my only hope of getting out of here. Plus we can bust Markus' plan to the government," I said.
"Haven't you considered that this place is the government's foundation? The slogan!" Mikey pointed to a screen displaying it.
"I know, I know about the stupid slogan, but companies like this, they keep things secret," I said.
"I know, but they might be funded by the government," Mikey said.
"We can't consider all of these things Mikey. I'm sure that this cyborg thing Markus has going on is just another one of his dirty tricks, nothing anybody knows about," I said.
"Joel, this just seems like so much to accomplish, I don't know if I can do it," Mikey hung his head.
"Don't be ridiculous! Of course we can pull this off!" I grinned.
"No Joel, you don't get it. We can't do this, Markus will kill us both," Mikey looked around.
"He won't kill me, he can't," I said.
"What makes you so sure?" Mikey raised his eyebrows.
"There's something holding him back from killing me, I just don't know what," I said.
"What do you mean?" Mikey asked.
"Look, Markus had several thousand chances to kill me. Here I am, standing before you, alive and kicking. Markus could've killed me yesterday, this morning, last night, you name it. Yet, he didn't. Either he can't do it, or he's just waiting for the right moment. To be honest, I'm not sticking around for that moment," I said.
"Joel, don't you think you'll be putting your mother through a lot?" Mikey asked.
"I've already put her through too much. I have to go back. I have to Mikey," I stressed.
"Alright... let me see what I can help you with. Markus lets me have some free time usually, so I can get started on your map," Mikey explained.
"That'd be great. I'll map at night, you map in the morning. This way, we can both be sure of the area," I said.
"Gotcha," Mikey said.
After that we parted ways. I went to get a drink of water, and Mikey went on his free time. I noticed Markus walking through the halls. He was on the phone with someone.
"He mustn't know. One slip, and my plans go down the toilet," I heard him say.
His plans... they had to be for me. I knew it. Unless he had a new guinea pig, which then would make my escape out of here ten times easier. I walked past him without giving him a glance. I had always thought Markus was an unusual name for him. Lucifer would suit him better.

Two hours later, I was sitting watching the television in the mess hall when Markus walked in.
"Enjoying  your time?" He asked.
I said nothing.
"It's impolite to not respond," Markus added.
"Welcome to my world," I spat.
"Why is it that you show so much disrespect? You know my jurisdiction allows me to kill you anytime I want," he said.
"You know, that sounds much better than spending an entire lifetime here," I replied.
The television clicked off, and Markus stood in front of me.
"Yes?" I asked.
"I have gone over the footage of you killing Sparks, and something catches my eye every time. The fact that the heart preserver worked without you even touching the button, did you even use it?" He asked.
"Yeah, I used it on him, his heart was in there," I said.
Nothing to hide from him.
"Interesting. Did it prick your finger?" Markus asked.
"You know, I don't think so," I replied.
Markus' eye widened.
"What?" I asked.
"Excuse me, I have to go," he abruptly stood up and ran out of the room.
"What's with him," I shrugged.
I looked around and saw no one, then I turned the television on once more. They were talking about something that caught my attention. I turned up the volume and listened.
"The hunt is still on for the missing boy, Joel Green. Police say he killed fifteen year old Mikey Ramer, who was taken to the hospital, in what appeared to be in critical condition. He was later announced dead. Police say that Joel was taken in for questioning, then took off. They have linked him with the killing of a man named Hollis White, who was killed on his boat in the Cleveland Marina.
"Police think that Joel was originally going with Hollis to leave Cleveland, then killed him. Evidence of how is not clear yet. Brent, do you think we have a serial killer on the loose?" The news reporter asked.
"Well Joy, I think that we might actually have one on our hands. Now the government probably knew how to contain people like him, but this boy might actually be a depressed patient, we don't know, and depression was eradicated years ago... so I don't think this kid is mentally challenged, he might just be crazy," Brent replied.
"This has been floating around the news for several weeks now, and no leads on where he is. It's almost like he's vanished," Joy said.
"True, we will hopefully get more updates," Brent said.
I looked at my hands. Could I really be crazy? I mean I killed Ron and Sparks, but that was for a reason! I never touched Silent Night, or as they call him, Hollis. Ron and Sparks did, and I gave them what they deserved. I felt horrified at my thoughts, I couldn't believe that I thought killing was justifiable. I had no right to take the law in my hands, and yet I did. I wanted to scream, but that would be weird. I closed my eyes, and felt tears roll down my cheek. I was actually surprised that I could still cry. I wasn't insane, I still felt somethings. The media has always been criminalizing certain groups, or people. I was up on the spotlight, and I was being criminalized. How would I explain that Mikey wasn't killed. On second thought, how the hell did he get out of the hospital in the first place?!
I stood up, muted the volume, then looked around for Mikey. I went to the main level where the entrance was. Mikey was just walking in, covered in leaves. His eyes were the size of boulders, and he was scratched up.
"Did Gizmo attack you!? I swear if that old geezer laid a hand on you-" I began.
"Before you speak," Mikey held his hand up. "I was in fact attacked by a rabid bear."
"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked in confusion.
"I was walking around, and a bear attacked me. In fact, Gizmo saved me," Mikey said.
"Oh," I laughed, relieved that my friend was alright.
He slipped a crumpled piece of paper into my hand.
"I did it," he whispered.
"Thanks!" I beamed.
Mikey at least was fulfilling his promise to help me, I couldn't wait to get out of here.

My eyes were hurting about half way through the day. I was tired and ready to sleep, but something was bothering me. Markus had disappeared after he talked to me, and now he wasn't here. He had been gone all day really. I wondered what bugged him so much after I responded to his question. I closed my eyes, and then reopened them. I looked back up at the television. The blank black screen was intimidating me. I clicked it open. Some stupid news reporters were talking about me again.
"Calm yourself Cleveland," I spat.
"Whatcha watching?" A voice came from behind me.
I turned to look over my shoulder. There was a woman standing there. She had long flowing blond hair, gray eyes, and she was tall. She was wearing a t-shirt that revealed one shoulder, and ripped jeans. She was wearing hover-boarding shoes. Her shirt had some words written on it, probably in French.
"The news," I blankly replied.
"Cool," she said, smiling.
Her teeth were very white. Surprisingly, she wasn't wearing any makeup from what I could tell.
"I'm Lori. What's your name?"
"Joel," I replied.
"Joel, hmm interesting name. Well, nice to meet you Joel," Lori laughed.
I looked back at the television, not sure what to do next.
"I never really liked the news," Lori said as she sat down.
"Really? I hate it," I responded.
"Why do ya hate it?" Lori asked.
"Oh, many reasons," I rolled my eyes.
The news reporters were talking about me again, showing a slideshow of me, being normal. Now I killed two people, and I was half machine. Great way to turn things around.
"What happened to you?" Lori asked.
If she saw the story on the news, she made no attempt to ask about it.
"Oh, I was brutally attacked by trees and a guy named Gizmo," I said.
"Gizmo? That old geezer?" Lori asked.
"Why are you here?" I asked.
"Okay, origin story time, be prepared for a really boring thirty minutes!" Lori announced.
"I've got all day," I grinned.
"Alright, so I was five during a raid on my town. Some reformed viking losers were attacking my home in France. My parents tried their best to get me out safely, but they were captured. So was I. They executed both of my parents in front of my eyes. I will not go into detail about that. They kept all the little boys, but killed all the girls. Well, I made it out alive somehow. I escaped with the help of a teenager who was up to be killed. He got me out, and I wish I could've thanked him. I never liked to talk, and so I never told him thanks. I kinda regret that.
"So I ran off, the viking guys, they never found me. I was glad about that. Being in France was difficult. There were gangsters during the Seven Terrible Raids. I was almost kidnapped. Anyways, eventually I began a journey to Belgium. I kept thinking about my parents. I was afraid that I would be killed the same way, and eventually flash backs started to come. I wasn't sure what to do about it.
"I finally made it to the Belgium border. That's where I met Markus. He was a border officer at the time. At first he never believed my story about the vikings, but eventually he let me through. I felt free for the first time! I felt alive. I knew I survived the Seven Terrible Raids. Oh yeah, those were over a few years. I lived through two raids, which happened in one year. Markus took me to the hospital. I was treated for my wounds, and a mental doctor checked me out. I had a rare case of PTSD. I was not even sure what that meant. Luckily for me, they spoke French, and so did I.
"If you don't know, PTSD is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I got lots of flashbacks during my day. Things that reminded me of what happened the day my parents were killed bothered me. Sometimes it was bad enough that I would start shaking and crying. It would take me a while to calm down. Markus took me in. He was good to me. I was thankful for that. He was like a father to me. I knew he would never replace my parents, but he was good enough. After a lot of therapy and drugs, my PTSD was gone. I knew deep inside that I wouldn't really recover from that day.
"Eventually, Markus took me to a place called America. Which really explained why he made me learn English before we left. I didn't want to leave, but he really had adopted me, and I wasn't old enough to be on my own just yet. He took me to a place called Minnesota, which is where I live now. It wasn't hard to get used to living here in America. Everyone seemed to be diverse, like I saw on television. I always had a French accent, still do, which some people mocked, but I took no offense to it. I sometimes made fun of Americans myself, so I guess I had it coming.
"So, I became older, had my share of American life, and then Markus moved to Cleveland. He got married, settled down, I felt a little unloved. He had two kids, I was just a side note from then on. He had blood related children, I was just some French kid. So I moved out. I went to the Advanced School, then to college. I got a degree in surgery, the end. That's my life story. Now your turn," Lori said, ending with a sigh.
"Oh, you want me to tell you mine? Okay I guess. I was born in Cleveland. My dad was a scientist, and my mother was an doctor. My sister was born three years after me. I was a smart kid. My dad always stayed on top of my studies. I went to the Advanced School since I was eight. Two years after my fifth birthday, my dad went missing. Police and detectives tried their best, but eventually they filed the case away. A cold case. My mother was devastated, but eventually we moved on. I made lots of friends, but I had only one real best friend. His name was Mikey. Mikey was a goofball, surprising how he made it into the school.
"It was a few years later that things start to get interesting again. It was the final day before break. Mikey and I met up after school, and then we were followed. I noticed, but at first didn't care. Eventually it got creepy, and they cornered us into an alley. They killed Mikey, and left me. Police found me, and thought I did it. They arrested me, but I escaped. Then I was a fugitive. I met a dude named Silent Night, but the same creeps who killed Mikey found us. They killed Silent Night and captured me. That's when I came here. I met Markus, who began to experiment on me. That's really my whole life story, I haven't lived very much," I explained.
"Well, yours is definitely tragic as well," Lori laughed.
I actually caught her accent this time.
"Markus is a freak though," I said.
"What?" She looked at me surprised.
"He turned me into a cyborg, oh yeah, turns out Mikey wasn't dead," I added.
"Did they ever find your father?" Lori asked.
"No, never. He just vanished. Gone. I sometimes wonder if he was killed, kidnapped, or he ran away. Which running away almost made no sense to me," I said.
"Yeah, it's weird," Lori shook her head.
"As harsh as this may sound, I wish I knew what happened to my father like you do," I said.
"I suppose," she replied.