Sunday, July 3, 2016

The King of Shadows: Prologue

The throne, a magnificent color indeed, had never worn away or lost its glamor. The gold shone through the throne room, halting the servants to gaze at its beauty. Indeed, this was the throne that the pharaoh was to sit upon. The pharaoh entered the grand throne room. His black cape flowing behind him, almost as if the wind was blowing. His golden headdress was as magnificent as his throne.
The pharaoh adjusted his golden accessories. A golden Ankh necklace lay around his neck, a symbol of eternal life. He sat down on his throne. One hand rested on each arm rest. He was absolutely bored. As a the young pharaoh he was, there wasn't much prospect in protecting or working for the people. His father had taught him the importance of protecting and preserving his country, but he didn't see any of it being of great importance.

The pharaoh was only seventeen years of age. His advisors questioned making him pharaoh, but the young man argued that it was not only divine right, but that Tutankhamen was only nine when he was crowned. Nobody dared to argue about the new pharaoh's age after that.

Outside the palace walls, the chants of millions of people could be heard cheering Amenhotep's name.

"Your majesty, the celebration preparations have almost been completed," one of his advisors explained.

Amenhotep studied the advisor curiously.

"And your point is?" He spat.

"I apologize for bothering you, my pharaoh, but I do not believe I understand the context of your question," the advisor replied.

Amenhotep disinterestedly played with his many expensive jewels, which took his slaves months to forge.
"I have no wish for any celebrations," Amenhotep finally said.
"Why is that, your majesty?" Asked one of his magicians of his court.
"Ahmose wishes to know why. You want to know why, Ahmose? I'm sick of this this throne already!" Amenhotep thundered.
"Are there any issues with your coronation?" Ahmose felt annoyed. He had served more than four pharaohs, and he had never been disrespected the way he felt now.
"My father died yesterday at the hands of something we know not of, and apparently, there aren't any issues," Amenhotep sat on the edge of his throne, his hands gripping the armrests harshly.
"I apologize my pharaoh. I shall postpone the celebrations to give you time to mourn," Ahmose nodded at his fellow magicians.
Seti, one of the other magicians who had always held a grand respect for Amenhotep was concerned. Never had the young boy acted the way he did now.
"Are you faring well, you highness?" Seti bit his lip.
Amenhotep said nothing.
"If you want the celebrations to commence, hurry up," his voice broke the shroud of silence that had overcome the throne room.
"Yes my pharaoh," Ahmose rolled his eyes.
Amenhotep stood up abruptly and left the palace. He emerged into the light of the desert sun. Instead of the sand of Egypt, he saw the lush green gardens of the palace. The grass, crisp and fresh, smelled of morning dew.

The vibrant desert roses seemed to welcome the pharaoh as he walked by. In the center of the gardens, stood a handcrafted fountain.

In the center of the fountain, three gods, Anubis, Horus, and Ra, stood. They were holding up a large sphere. Water spouted out from this sphere. Amenhotep came near the statue. He looked into the ruby red eyes of Anubis.

"I don't get why you took my father from me so soon! I'm not ready to be pharaoh!" Tears trickled from Amenhotep's eyes.

He felt hopeless. He knew that he would never be the pharaoh his father was. He let the thought dwell in his mind, and depress him.

He knew that typically, a pharaoh would be celebrating and enjoying their coronation, but he could only think about the hardships he would face.

Amenhotep gazed at the garden, he rested his arms against the fountain. His thoughts wandered to the food that he was about to eat. Distracted and tired, he began to walk back to the palace. He tripped over a rock, and met the ground. Instantly, large beams of light shot up from the ground behind Amenhotep.

He turned around frantically. He was laying on his back as he watched the scene unfold. The large red beam of light was followed by a few smaller, yellow beams. He felt the shock and fear fill his heart.

"What in the name of Horus is that?" He shakily stood up.

Almost instantly, a large figure emerged from deep within the Earth. Anubis.

Anubis' deep red ruby eyes stared directly at Amenhotep. His jackal head was dark. His large fangs showed as he snarled. He was wearing a bottom tunic and traditional shoes. His large scythes rested at his sides. A large golden scale was in his hands.

"Anubis?" Amenhotep felt his voice quiver.

"My pharaoh, beware the great power you have unlocked. Beware the shadows that come with my power. Beware the darkness that lurks for you."
Amenhotep felt like he was about to pass out of fear.
Then, Anubis opened his mouth, and uttered the words that would haunt Amenhotep for the rest of his reign.
"Beware the shadows, keeper of the Ankh. For you are their king."

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