Sunday, January 3, 2016

Finished: Chapter 2

It took me a solid half hour to fully process what just happened. One second ago, Mikey and I were walking around, the next, Mikey will never be able to move again. Tears filled my eyes. I looked down at where they placed the device. The device burned a part of his shirt. All that was left behind was a strange mark. A heart with one large slash mark through it. It was like a tattoo, embedded in his skin. I finally sat down, after the full realization began to hit me. Those men, they killed Mikey, but why not me?
I noticed people just walk by, staring at their phones. Nowadays, nobody cared what anybody did. All they were concerned about was politics, food, and stupid things. They didn't even notice a dead kid, and his traumatized best friend standing right there. I was wrong because one woman stopped to see what was wrong. She put her hands to her mouth. She was in as much shock as I was. She thought that some terrible thing had happened, and for all I knew, she probably thought I was the one who did it. She pulled out her phone and called someone. Obviously the police.
I wanted to run off, but I knew that would send the wrong message. I didn't have time to think of what to do next, because the police filled up the scene. I tried to remember the whole day. Tried to think of anything I did that would anger somebody. But my mind filled with blanks and questions that I would never be able to answer.
 The police sort of arrested me. They said that I would need to be questioned. Seemed logical. The paramedics picked Mikey up, put him on a holographic stroller type thing, he was just literally floating in the air. They put him in the ambulance hover car. Then the lights and noises came on, and they disappeared.
I looked at the ambulance as it drove away. I wanted to cry so bad. I wanted to run after that ambulance and never stop until Mikey would jump out and say it was all a prank. But Mikey would never do that. And what I saw was real. It was too real.
Mikey would never crack another joke again, he would never laugh, or smile, or even say hi. His last few moments were terror, terror that I wished upon nobody. He was my best friend, and now he was gone, dead. The police were talking about something, but who could understand a robot?
"What's gonna happen to me?" I asked.
No answer. Obviously, they'll let the talking go to the human officers. Unless robots took over police stations.
The drive over to the office was agonizing, and felt like forever. Even though it only took a few minutes. I played over the events in my mind, trying to figure out a way to explain everything to the police. How would they believe such a wild story like that though? Mikey had his heart stopped! Nobody known as of now can do that without doing some extreme stuff to your heart! A small device would be ridiculous!
When we arrived at the station, I looked at it. Long and hard. It was long, tall, and enormous. Security guards scanned my wrist. They also scanned the robots' serial numbers. After letting us in, the guards locked the doors with a loud thud.
We came upon a large cell. I knew that I was now officially in jail. There was a man, not a robot thank goodness, sitting down at a wooden desk. The officers threw me down into the chair.
"Good afternoon," the officer said.
"Uh, hi," I replied nervously.
I felt my palms become sweaty.
"You were brought here because of some events that have just recently occurred, are we clear?" He asked.
"Yes sir," I said shakily.
"Good now, explain to me your whole day," the officer demanded.
"It started off normally. I woke up for school. Did my morning routine, then went to the subway. I got to school, went through my last day there, and caught up with my best friend Mikey. We had gone to some stores, and there were two men who were following us everywhere we went. Eventually they backed us into an alley, killed Mikey, and left me standing. They warned me that if I spoke of what just happened, I'd be next," I explained.
"Hmm, what did these men look like?"
"Tall, creepy, the usual. They were wearing black on black, like everything was black. They had on some sort of mask to cover their faces I guess," I said.
"Now, how tall do you estimate they were?" He asked.
"I dunno, six seven maybe?" I guessed.
"How did they kill Mikey?"
"They," I hesitated, "They just walked up to him. Then one of them placed some weird heart shaped thing on him. Then they backed up, took out a button and he pressed it. Mikey just dropped to the ground. They stopped his heart."
The officer stared at me for a few minutes.
"That isn't possible,"
"Why?!" I felt the fear from earlier come again.
"Those devices don't exist," the officer spat.
"Maybe you've never seen them!"
"Maybe I have record of every weapon put in civilian hands," the officer narrowed his eyes at me.
I noticed I had half sat up in my chair, so I fully sat down.
"I know every weapon ever as well, those don't exist,"
"Yeah, well they could've smuggled them here," I mumbled.
"Not possible. We could track them down if they did," the officer stated firmly.
"I know what I saw, I'm not stupid," I said.
"Or maybe you did it,"
"What?!" I shouted.
This time I was fully out of the seat. I felt the fear rise up my throat.
"You're wasting my time," he ushered the guard from earlier forward.
"No! I didn't do it!" I screamed.
"Just listen, we need to examine the scene further. If there is no evidence you did it, then you're free,"
"Never! I'm not going to jail!" I shouted.
Then I did something I would've never done.

I ran right out of the police station.
I had now marked myself as a fugitive. The police sirens blared. The sun was setting, and the moon was rising. It would be easier to blend in now. My heart pounded, my palms sweaty, my thoughts racing through my head. I was on the run. I had to now literally survive. I couldn't go home, that would be the first place they went. That officer knew something. The way he paused, he must have known that I was telling the truth. Or perhaps he really didn't believe me. I would never kill Mikey. Even if those masked men were placing the device on me and were trying to make me kill him, I wouldn't ever do it. I didn't have it in me. I felt tears streaming down my face.
I wiped them off, then paused. The lights and sirens were long gone, probably at my home by now. I was the only one on the street. Large floating screens featured my face on them. It was that quick. Soon I'd be all over the news.
I pictured my mom's face as she watched the news. The fear in her eyes as they mention my name. I was probably the most wanted fugitive in the entire USA. Okay, maybe the most wanted person in Cleveland. I shook the thoughts out of my head and kept walking. I could hear my feet pounding against the pavement. My shoes were not good for running at all. They were more like skateboarding shoes. I paused to rest my feet and went on.
I was confused as to where I was. I then saw how far I was from the city lights. What used to be a Key Bank building, now the main building, seemed so far now. The moon, artificial as well, was brighter than the sun probably. I rested against the side of the building. I couldn't stay here too long, any wanderer might take me to the station in hopes of a reward. I then remembered my phone. They could track it! I heard of only one way to remove it. It was dangerous, but it was the only way without surgery. You literally cut it out the vein.
I gagged at the thought of me doing that. I would have to hope that they don't track it down first. Never under any circumstances would I ever cut it out of me. I sighed, and looked up at the building. It was a motel. I took a deep breath, and walked inside.

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