Thursday, January 28, 2016

Finished: Chapter 8

Getting used to my new robot limbs would not be an easy task. I couldn't tell what things felt like anymore. Human limbs were much more effective than these useless machine parts. Markus had been testing my ability to move with my new limbs for a while now, and quite frankly, I'm extremely sick of it. I can't tell what pain is anymore, and I actually began to miss that. Being a machine, even part machine, was terrible. I felt depressed for days on end. Markus wouldn't stop his testing no matter what though.
Today, he was going to test more cyborg changers on me. They were pills. I had to chew them, that's what he said at least.
"Now all I want you to do is chew these and we'll be all done today," Markus handed me the pills.
I took them and took a long look at them. They were shaped like capsules. I dumped them in my mouth, and the same sensation that changed my arms happened again. This time it wasn't as shocking as last time. Instead, my legs felt like they were being ripped apart and molded into something completely different than what they should be.
"Good, now how do you feel?" Markus asked.
"Like trash, thanks," I hissed.
"Still a bright soul I see," Markus said sarcastically.
After his test was over, I began to try to move in my robot legs. I didn't want my face to be changed, but then again, my ID and phone were erased when my arms formed into machine, I don't think that it would be too hard to just escape. Nobody would recognize me anymore, I don't think even my mother would. I walked towards the lunch room.
I usually went in there to think. It was my personal spot, and all the workers knew not to bother me when I was here. I respected them for that. I felt bad for them too. They were forced to do these things, and some were forced to go through these terrible tests. Today I decided to revisit a topic I had long forgotten about- Mikey. I was convinced he was dead. He had no pulse, half an hour, there was no way he was still alive. I knew Markus was lying. There was no way that he could've survived that long. They stopped his heart, simple as that. Then without blood to keep circulating, his brain stopped functioning. I decided to go see if there was a weapon like the one they used on Mikey.
I followed Ron and Sparks around. I hoped they would lead me blindly to the weapons, and sure enough they did. I hid behind a rack of laser guns, and waited for them to leave. Then I went investigating. They had just about everything here. Guns from 2060, brain fryers, and the mysterious heart stoppers. I picked it up. It had a heart with a slash through the center. I knew this was the very weapon they used on Mikey. Something about the way it felt made me have this gut feeling that he died at the hands of this machine.
I inspected it. It was not a weapon, that's why the officer had no knowledge of it. It seemed to be some sort of prisoner execution tool. I guess injections are long over. I figured that it was used in medical places as well, but then again, why would they stop a heart? They would want to keep it alive, right?
I shook the thoughts from my head, and slipped it and its parts into my pocket. Markus probably told me that Mikey was alive to convince me that he was good or something. I highly doubted it. I snuck out of the weapons room. Ron and Sparks were talking in the lunch room.
"How's it going Joel?" Sparks asked.
"Why should you care?" I asked.
"Yeesh, sorry man," Sparks rolled his eyes.
This was the first time I had seen them without masks all the time. They looked normal.
"Still getting used to your limbs?" Ron pointed at my arms.
"I suppose," I shrugged.
I walked off, today was not my day to sit and chat. Today was the day to get the hell out of this place.

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