Thursday, January 28, 2016

Finished: Chapter 9

Escape, escape, escape. What would it take for me to escape? I would need a plan. I was not a plan master, but I had gotten this far. Markus was not in today, but Ron and Sparks were still here. They wouldn't let me pass out the doors without interrogating me for hours, unless I escaped through the small hole in my cell. Even that could be a long shot. I contemplated everything I could do and decided on one. I would take out Ron and Sparks. They deserved revenge for what they did to Mikey, and I was still convinced he was dead. I remembered the tool I stole from the weapons room. I planned it out:
First I would take both of them out when they aren't around each other. If they were separated, that would be better. I would kill them both and shove them in the trash compactor. I had to get rid of them before somebody noticed they were gone. Then there was the subject of cameras and security. I knew this place would have cameras in places that nobody knew, and I would have to hope that the cameras won't be a problem in my escape. Second I would steal as many weapons as possible. I would need those especially now that I have the device. I can go to that stupid police officer and show him that the weapons do exist. He would regret ever making me a fugitive.
My thoughts were interupted by a large bell ringing. Instantly, people began walking towards the lunch room. Lunch time would be a perfect time to execute my plans. Then again, too many people. This would be a perfect time to find the cameras actually. If I can find those, then my job is ten times easier. I began to walk with the crowd when I saw something. I noticed Mikey. His hair was lost in the crowd of black. I closed my eyes and shook my head. When I opened, Mikey's hair was gone. I was convinced I was imagining things. I know Mikey died, and that's that. Nothing Markus said would make me change my mind. I thought about what I would do next time I confronted Markus. I had to know why he wanted me so badly. I walked off towards the rest rooms, but took a sharp left towards the weapon room.
"Please insert card or ID," The machine said.
"Stupid robot," I hissed.
I punched in my old ID, but it was denied. Then I punched in random letters and numbers. Eventually, I had backed up the computer so much, it broke and the door slid open. I walked in and stood at the side. I scanned the room. I would need a brain fryer, it was useful in many situations.
I snuck back out of the room, hoping nobody noticed, but I was wrong. Ron was standing there impatiently.
"Done browsing?" He asked.
My eyes went wide, "What are you talking about?"
"Don't play dumb with me, I know you took some things in there," Ron replied.
I didn't want to use the new weapons, I had to save them for something important.
I felt the whole world move backwards as Ron's fist flew into my gut. Even though it wasn't as bad as if I were all human, it still hurt.
I kicked at Ron's leg, still wary of the pain.
"AGH!" He hissed.
I tackled him to the floor. He tried to escape, but my grasp on him was too strong. I wasn't sure if I was up to the challenge, but I had to get rid of him soon.
He kicked me off, and I found myself flying into the wall. No, the weapons room. I smashed into a rack of laser guns. I groaned at the pain, and staggered up to regain my footing. Ron was already getting ready to attack, but I ducked in time, and tackled him. He crashed into some shelves. He was pulling at my hair, but i was a boy, I barely had any hair. I punched his chin, and he screamed.
I stood up and ran out the room. I tried to lock it, but the computer was dead. Ron was stumbling out, and he swung at me, but his fist met the computer screen instead. Hundreds of pieces of glass and wiring flew everywhere. The chip was on the floor now, so I smashed it. Ron collapsed to his knees, panting. I kicked his arm, and he flew into the wall on impact. There was a large gash on the side of his face extending from the eyebrow down to the chin. Blood was dripping on the floor, leaving bright red spots.
"So you're human?" I asked.
"The hell did you think I was?" He sat up against the wall.
I stepped back, but he stood up immediately. He then swung at me with his bloody knuckles. I literally scratched his hand, and now there was a large gash going down the middle. He cursed and shook his hand. He wiped it against his suit, and now there was a stain on it.
"Way to waste your suit!" I hissed.
"Shut the hell up!" Ron kicked my leg.
I felt unphased by his attack, and I kicked him in the gut, and gave him a good uppercut. He wiped his hand against his mouth. His gums were slightly bleeding, and there was a trickle of blood going down his chin.
"Give up yet?!" I hissed.
"Screw you," he spat.
His breathing became shorter, and it looked like he was barely clinging on to life. I would keep attacking him, but it looked like he was in too much pain. I removed the heart stopper device from my pocket and placed it on him.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
"I'm sorry," I said pressing the button.
He gasped, but then collapsed on his side. I removed the device from him, and left behind was the same mark they gave Mikey.
"I'm sorry Ron, but I had to do this," I said.
I actually began to feel bad about what I did. Then again, he helped kill two people, and I only gave him what he deserved. I dragged Ron into the weapons room, and placed a heart shaped object, and laser gun in his hand. The least I could do is make it look like he killed himself. I looked around, and walked into the restroom. There was some blood on my face, but a quick wash revealed that it wasn't mine. I sighed and sat against the wall.
Step one of my plan was almost complete. I knew Sparks was going to be a challenge to beat, but if I could take out Ron, I could take out Sparks for sure. He was tough, but that was only what he appeared to be. I didn't know his true character, or how good he really was.
I stepped out of the restroom. BU was examining the weapons room. I gasped, and ran the other way. If BU knew, he'd run to Markus, and then Markus would probably kill me. I kept running, but speak of the Devil, I bumped into Markus.
"Quite a show you put on," he cocked his head.
"W-what?" I asked.
"Come with me," he said grabbing my arm.
He led me to his office and turned a monitor on. It was showing the fight between Ron and I. Those cameras, I knew they were going to be a problem.
"I should congratulate you, and I will," he grinned.
"I killed a man," I stared at him in disbelief.
"You displayed some strength out there. I don't think it will be a problem for you to beat the police now," he replied, obviously ignoring me.
I said nothing, fear was taking over me now.
No, you've done the impossible, you can do it. You will bust out of here, I thought.
"Enjoy the rest of your day," Markus said, turning around to watch the monitor.

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