Thursday, January 14, 2016

Finished: Chapter 3

The motel had a musty, small waiting room. I looked around. There were small paintings. I was surprised to see those. Usually art was holographic, or there was no art at all.
"Yes hello, how may I help you?" Asked the man at the front desk.
He was short, fat and had a large bald spot on his heard. He was wearing a tight shirt that showed off quite a bit of sweat around his armpits.
"I need a room for the night," I said.
"Yeah, sure, okay," he sighed.
"Do you need my ID?" I asked.
"No," he rolled his eyes.
I waited to see what's next, but he puffed a large, smelly breath of air and turned around. I tapped my fingers against my leg impatiently as I waited.
"Here's your room key," he said.
"Brush your teeth man," I mumbled under my breath.
I walked away looking for my room. It was the third one down. The hallway was damp and dark. I noticed how old fashioned this place was. I pressed the room key against the analyzer, and entered the room.
It, like everything else, was damp. The light switch didn't work, so I was left in the dark. There was one bed sitting in the middle of the room. The covers were covered in roses, and so were the pillows. There was a small desk along with a mini fridge. The bathroom was cold, and had a dim light. It looked like a public bathroom, but one that hadn't been clean for months.
"I really need to get out of here," I sighed.
I sat down on the bed, it was squeaky and wet. I yelped, and jumped off the bed. I knew I wasn't sleeping on that. I stood in the side of the room and pondered about what to do next. I could easily just leave, but then the police would find me. I had to leave Cleveland, that was most likely the only option. I would never get past security though! Unless the stories I heard are true...

See, there were rumors floating around that if someone wanted to leave, but they couldn't, they talked to a man called Silent Night. He was apparently the one to get you out without any complications. He was supposedly residing in Cleveland. I thought long and hard about it. If Silent Night could get me out of here, then he was my best bet. Then again, it could get me into more trouble. I left the room key on the bed, and opened the window. It was a first floor motel, so I broke the screen in between, and leaped out. I had suddenly become skilled in the art of sneaking off.
I saw the screens again. My face. I was innocent, I knew it. Nobody would believe me. Nobody would believe me, unless I caught the men who did it. Then they would believe me. They would be sorry, and put the real men in prison for their doings. Then who knows, they might get the death penalty.
But the only problem was, I couldn't find out who they were. Not unless they were parading around in whatever suits and masks they were wearing that day. I could hack into the police main frame and figure out if they had no record of the weapon or not, but that would be impossible. I had no knowledge of hacking. My father did though. He knew how to do everything. I suddenly found myself blaming him for this situation that I'm in. I felt that if he was still around, I would be safe and sound. He could disprove their claims of me being guilty. I then put the blame on me, if I had called the police immediately, then I wouldn't be in this mess.
I shivered in the cold, but began running. I didn't know where. I was just running. Possibly The Republic of France, or another state. The Republic of France is modern day Canada. After the Great War, the French took over Canada, and renamed it completely.
My mother had traveled to The Republic of France once, she said it was an interesting experience. I don't know what she meant, but I had a feeling I couldn't go there. I knew I had to stop thinking and make up my mind. I would leave Cleveland to start, and head my way somewhere along the United States.
I ran all night, stopping along the way at gas stations, and convenient stores. I asked about Silent Night, people said he lived by Lake Grande. Lake Grande is the new name of Lake Erie. Lake Grande was nearby, and I had about a few hours before sunrise. I began running, not minding my exposed face. I was already wanted, and maybe if I'm caught, I can re-escape.

After twenty minutes I found my self along the shore of Lake Grande. There was a lighthouse from thousands of years ago. Then I heard some man humming a strange tune. I was already fearless after my whole day, so I went up to the man.
"Do you know if Silent Night lives here?" I asked.
"Why do yous care?" He asked.
"I need to get out of here," I said as I sighed.
"Silent Night only helps for a real reason,"
"So you're Silent Night?" I asked.
"It matters not to yous, now state your business for wanting him,"
"I'm being framed for my friend's death. I'm wanted, and I want to get out of here and start a new life some place else," I explained.
If this man wanted to turn me in, he could do it now and I wouldn't care.
He stood up, "I see."
He was almost seven feet tall, and was really skinny.
"You have come to the right place. I am Silent Night," he took a bow.
"You are?" I asked.
"Look fool, I says who I is, and yous better listen, aright?" He hissed.
"Sorry," I said.
"Good, now let's sees what I's can do for yous. Yous says you wants to leave Cleveland, but yous don't want the new Frenchy place, amiright?" He asked.
"Yes sir, I can't go there,"
"Whys that?"
"Well, I'm afraid they are worse than anyone here to me," I said.
"I's can get yous to Colorado, but not farthers," he said.
"Really?" I asked with joy.
"Yes I cans," he nodded as he spoke.
"Then please do!" I cried.
"Aright, I's gots to pick up some items, sos you need to wait, aright?" Silent Night said.
"I have all day Silent Night," I replied.
"Good boy, It'll takes mes an hour or sos," he shrugged.
"Okay," I said.
With that, he walked off.

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