Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Finished: Chapter 5

No way would I be able to get out of this mess. Sparks put his weapon in the pocket of the leather seat. I was shoved onto the window seat. Only a middle seat was separating me from Sparks. Ron climbed into the driver seat. His disinterest was almost scary.
"Which way?" Ron asked.
"I think right," Sparks replied.
"You think? That's a first," Ron snorted.
"Shut up you uptight weasel!" Sparks said, but the look in his eyes said that he wanted to kill every person in this hover car.
"Let's just pull it up on my phone," Ron double tapped his wrist veins, and the phone appeared in front of him.
"How did you guys find me?" I asked.
Sparks grabbed my wrist, and I knew exactly what he meant. They tracked my phone. Just as I feared, I knew that someone would find me because of that darned device.
"Don't even think about taking it out," Sparks chuckled as he spoke.
"Wasn't planning to," I shot back.
The hover car lurched forward, then squealed away.
"Sorry, Sparks usually drives," Ron shrugged.
I rolled my eyes, and turned my head to look out the window. The city was far behind us now. I sighed silently and felt a tear roll down my cheek. I wiped it quickly.
"You must be excited," Sparks said sarcastically.
"Oh yeah. Totally over joyed,"
"Joel, that's your name right? Well anyways, if the boss-"
"Hey! I don't care anymore! You have put me through hell and back! First you kill my best friend, and I take the hit for your crimes! Second of all you kill an innocent man for trying to help me! I can't believe you!? Now you're probably telling me to stay calm! Well I won't!" I kicked the back of Ron's seat.
"Woah there! Calm your self! I wasn't saying stay calm! I was gonna tell you that the boss might actually take a liking to you! He did with another guy, it's not unlikely. You are tough, the boss loves that in people," Ron said.
"Listen, so I don't keep calling you two Ron and Sparks, what are your names?" I asked.
"We don't have any," Ron said.
"How?" I asked.
"We we're never given any, but I like the sound of Sparks,"
"Oh," I shrugged.
For some reason, I was becoming close with the people who killed Mikey, but then a though occurred. What if these guys were robots? What if they are controlled by an outside force? Then again, it seemed like they had a mind of their own. I had to remember in this era, robots were like humans. They only looked different. I tried to see if anything about them was robot like, but they seemed perfectly human.
"We're almost there," Ron announced.
"Thanks for stating the obvious," Sparks hissed.
"Why are you so stupid?" Ron asked.
"Why are you so stuck up?" Sparks replied.
I groaned and banged my head silently against the window. I was annoyed, and afraid. Nothing could solve this situation. When I opened my eyes, I saw open field, but the car seemed to go through some force barrier. Then I saw what we were headed to.
It was a giant building. Blue streaks of electricity were going through it. It was as large as Cleveland. Hover cars were strewn all over the parking lot. Next to the larger than life building was a manufacturing plant. The main part of the building was taller than the eye could see. I couldn't comprehend how this was hidden from anyone. A smoke stack, which I haven't seen in years, was not shooting out smoke. No, it was blue puffs. It looked like electrically charged smoke.
"Welcome home," Ron laughed.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever," Sparks said.
The door opened, and Sparks grabbed me again. They dragged me out of the car seat, and towards a giant sliding door. When we entered, the sight was breath taking. What appeared to be the building seal, was printed on the floor. The floor was really shiny, like it had been cleaned a million times that day. There were doors to enter into offices, and there was a large desk in the middle of the entrance way.
"ID?" The robot at the desk asked.
Ron and Sparks showed their wrists, then they removed my cuff and threw my wrists forward. The robot looked at them skeptically, but Ron seemed to strike some sort of fear in his robot core.
After we went through security, the cuffs were placed back on.
"Is this necessary?" I asked.
"What?" Ron replied.
"The cuffs? Are they really necessary?"
"Yeah," Sparks grunted.
A large screen showed a major news network, and large holographic paintings of the building during the process were everywhere. The slogan of the place was:

We are not afraid
We are the feared
The government reigns
Through our support
Our strength is what keeps us alive
In us we trust
In machines we believe

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