Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Finished: Chapter 7

I woke up, startled from my sleep. BU was at the cell door, pounding hard.
"Stop disrespecting the metal!" I shouted drowsily.
"Nonsense, metal does not feel anything. It is an abiotic object," BU rolled his robot eyes.
"Sorry, just a bit sore," I said glancing at my wrist.
"Ah yes, today you get them removed!" BU smiled.
"Really?" I asked raising my eyebrows.
"Yes, Markus has decided so," BU replied.
I finally had some hope. If I was going to get the cuffs removed, I could finally move. BU opened the cell, and grabbed my wrists. He unlocked the cuffs, and I stretched. It had been forever since I had stretched. I actually realize how I took it for granted.
"Wait, how did you take my cuffs off? You said you couldn't!" I stammered.
"Enough games, Markus needs you!" BU grabbed my hand and dragged my out of my cell.
Men that looked like Ron and Sparks were everywhere. The place was crawling with them.
"Hello Joel," Sparks' gruff voice called out.
I tried not to respond, afraid that he would say or do something.
"C'mon, it's rude not to answer me," Sparks grinned.
"Hello," I hissed finally.
"Good, you're finally learning etiquite," he laughed as he patted my head.
"Don't touch me," I barked, and followed BU to what seemed to be a doctor's office.
"Enter here," BU gestured to a door.
Without question, I walked in. There was an antique doctor's chair, and a holographic chair. On the side were pills, computer chips, and injection needles. Markus entered the room, and slammed the door behind him, which made me jump.
"Do not be frightened," he said calmly.
"Sorry, just startled is all," I shrugged.
"Good, have a seat," he pointed towards the holographic chair.
"You must really like antique items," I pointed out.
"Yes, they are my prized possessions," he replied.
I felt a bit nervous as he typed some stuff up on the screen.
"Alright," he began, "Today we will just test some of these chips. They are unlike the ones that you ate for your phone. They may hurt though."
He grabbed four chips and handed them to me.
"What are these for?" I asked.
"What have you noticed from your stay here?" He asked.
"No way in hell am I becoming a freaky human lab rat for your cyborg stuff!" I shouted.
"Look, Joel, you must know how important this is to me!" Markus said.
"I don't care what it means to you! I am not becoming a test subject!" I said.
"It's not a guarantee that you will even become a cyborg!" Markus argued.
I was not convinced. First he killed Mikey, then Silent Night, now he was going to use me for his sick, twisted experiment. No way in hell was I going to let him.
"You've caused me too much sadness, and a hell of a lot of trouble. I want out of your game!" I hissed.
"This is the future, Joel! This is what could shape the future. Imagine America with an army of unbeatable humans! This could be the turning point in human and machine warfare!" Markus raged.
"There is nothing cool about turning me into a military weapon, it's just crazy like you," I replied firmly.
"You are too stubborn. This could make you almost immortal!" Makus said.
"Look, I get it, so much good in this program. But at the same time, you've killed two people, and put my family through pain to bring me. I don't know why you couldn't just pull some random prisoner, or some guy who doesn't have a life, I really don't understand why you chose me," I said.
 "I realize what you have been through may not be all that fun, but I chose you Joel. That should be enough to make you stay here," Markus replied.
"You just don't get it do you? I'm not doing it," I said.
"You are pushing me to my limits," Markus warned.
"And you pushed me beyond my limits when your goons took Mikey's life," I said.
"He's not dead you stupid boy!" Markus yelled.
"What?" I asked.
"Mikey. Is. Still. Alive." Markus said firmly.
"I saw those freaks take his life!" I stood up now.
"I know what you saw looked real, but his brain is still operating," Markus answered.
Of course, another tool that the government is creating to make better war machines.
"This is another cyber warfare thing, isn't it?" I asked.
"That is none of your concern, now eat the chips or I'll force them down your throat!" Markus thrusted his hands towards me.
I realized that I really have no choice anymore. I was to either be a cyborg, or rot in prison. I thought about it, I could use cyborg abilities to my advantage. I could escape this rotten place. I took the chips from his hand, and swallowed them. I felt a sudden tingle in my spine. My brain felt like it was pounding against my skull. It was swelling. I knew it. Bursts of electricity shocked my body. I wanted to gag, but I contained myself. My hands were twitching, my whole body was. My fingers were turning into metal. My arms were too, all the way up to the forearm.
"Not how it should've worked, but I suppose it works," Markus scratched his chin.
"You mean... something went wrong?" I replied.
"Possibly, or my idiot workers don't know how to code anymore," Markus said.
Just as quickly as the episode of flesh turning to metal came, it completely went away. I slightly lifted my shirt, and saw that my chest was now metal. I wanted to cry, scream, kick, run into my mother's arms, and complain like a baby. But I was here, no where near my mother. I was in some government facility, becoming a lab rat to some wacko scientist. I was turning into a machine, and I could never go back.

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