Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Finished: Chapter 4

Silent Night had been gone for hours. I began to worry that he was tricking me and leaving me for the cops. I gulped, and looked around. The sun was just slightly peaking over the horizon. I heard someone approaching, and I slowly turned around. Silent Night was standing there with some keys.
"Is you ready?" He asked.
I nodded my head, glad that he didn't turn on me.
"Yous must know I's be getting me self in a lots of trouble," Silent Night spoke.
"I know, but it's your job. Don't act like you haven't done this before," I spat.
He grunted, but said nothing. I never trusted people like that, but this was my only oppourtunity to get out of Cleveland. I had to leave, otherwise those men would return. And this time, it would be me.
Walking with Silent Night made me feel like a criminal. I was wanted, but I wasn't guilty of anything. I hadn't comitted a crime, not until just now anyways. We walked towards a large marina. Cleveland was filled with marinas that carried into the lakes. Some marinas were older than anything here. Some were new. We apprached a creepy looking one with worn out, outdated boats. Their sleek design had to have been nice at the time, but now, they just looked like a clown roadshow. The boats were not large, not like today's boats anyways. Nowadays, the boats were as big as the main building. Not literally, but they were big.
Silent Night hopped onto the boat, and I got on too. The boat smelled like rot and dust. I had to contain myself from throwing up.
"We's be headed out here in no time," he announced.
I placed my arms on the side of the boat. The sun had shone a light glow on the whole marina, which didn't really help. It just made it look more scary. I noticed two figures walking. Their silhouettes were the only visible thing about them. I gulped, instantly afraid that these were the same men who killed Mikey.
As they approached the boat, I recognized them. The two killers who got away with it.
"We need to go..." I whispered hoarsely.
"You says something?"
Too late, by the time I opened my mouth, they were standing on the boat. This time it wasn't the same weapons they used last time. The weapons looked like guns, but I recognized them from a movie I saw. They were brain destroyers.
Brain destroyers are complex weapons that send giant bursts of electricity through the body. They literally fry the neutrons, putting the victim into shock and causing them to go brain dead. I was never so afraid before in my life. The heart stopping tool was bad enough, I wouldn't want to have my brain fried!
"What does you fools want?" Silent Night pointed a laser gun at them.
The two masked figures shook their heads and erupted into laughter.
"He knows," one of them gestured towards me.
"Who is these men?" Silent Night asked.
"They're the ones responsible for killing Mikey, my friend," I explained.
"Now listen old man," one of them turned towards Silent Night, "We know who you are, and all we care about is the kid. So hand him over, and you'll live."
"Disobey, and you'll die," the other one snickered.
Silent Night said nothing, but he aimed his laser gun at one of the men. I wanted to warn him, tell him they were too good to be beat, but a horrible shriek erupted from the boat. Silent Night collapsed, clutching his chest with one hand, and his head with another. Smoke was pouring from the brain destroyer.
"I told him," the one who fired shrugged.
Silent Night began wailing. He was on the floor rocking back and forth on his side. The bursts of electricity shocked his body. Eventually, he let out a terrible scream and he stopped moving.
"We figured our next victim should die much terribly than good old Mikey," the man who fired laughed.
"Who are you?! What do you want from me?!" I shouted.
"Listen, I get it, two of your best friends gone within the course of two days. Shocking. Not enough kid, if you don't come with us, it'll be worse. Who knows, maybe we'll go for your mom and sister. It all depends on who's life you care about the most," the man who fired said.
I instantly decided to call one Sparks, and the other Ron. I don't know why, but not having a name to identify these guys with bothered me.
"Now what'll it be?" Ron asked.
"If I comply with your terms, you'll leave my family?" I asked.
"Sure," Sparks snorted.
"I won't come if you don't follow out on your promise!" I hissed.
"They need him, can't have him running all over the place," Ron spat at Sparks.
"I just fried that Silent Night to nothing, he'll be a piece of cake," Sparks growled.
"I don't care what achievements you've accomplished in your life! He needs the boy and that's that!" Ron shouted.
"Fine, but he can't know where we're taking him," Sparks said.
"It doesn't matter, he'll probably be dead before sunset anyways," Ron approached me.
"Why do you want me dead?" I backed away.
"Oh, I don't care about who the hell you are kid. I just work for someone who has a hell of a lot of interest in you," Ron pulled out electric cuffs.
"What are those for?" I asked.
"If I told you, you'd look stupid. Now hand me your arms," Ron said.
I held out my hands, and he clamped them with the electric cuffs.
"Good boy, now that wasn't so bad now, was it?" Ron asked.
"Shut up," Sparks hollered.
Ron grabbed me roughly by the upper biceps and half-dragged me to what looked like a hover car.
Sparks leaned down, close to my ear and said, "If you ever escape, don't say a word to anyone. We know you told those police, and we warned you. If it were up to me, you'd be dead, but you're lucky it isn't up to me."

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